Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Young Entrepreneur: SEO Kid Johnathan Grzybowski Aims To Influence SEO Strategies, Inspire Business Owners & Enjoy Extra Guacamole

Young Entrepreneur Johnathan Grzybowski
Consumption Conversations believes in the power of young entrepreneurs! In YOUNG ENTREPRENEUR, Consumption Conversations will bring you introductions to some of the young entrepreneurs making their very own unique waves as business leaders. Today, meet Johnathan Grzybowski, the marketing and social media director of Dino Enterprise. He is 24. He met his Dino Enterprise partners in high school - although at that time of their young lives they barely spoke. After working for a company that did not inspire or motivate him, Johnathan decided he wanted to do more. Johnathan jumped into Linkedin and was reunited with his high school classmates - dinoenterprise.com was born. The company specializes in helping businesses get found on the Internet. So far, Johnathan and his partners have helped more than 130 companies in the tri-state region.

Johnathan Let's start off by saying that there are more and more emerging SEO companies today. Yet, so much about SEO is still new and undiscovered! What are your SEO ninja skills and how are you positioning to make a big impact as an SEO superhero?
dinoenterprise.com's SEO strategies are realistic and long term. While some companies promise quick results, they use whats called blackhat strategies. This means they spam keywords, some in plain site, some hidden. Although these get you quick results, it will ultimately get your domain banned from google, never to return. Our strategies are simple. Let's do it right the first time! You don't want to pull one over on google, you'll get caught 100% of the time.

What do small business today need to understand about SEO. Understanding SEO is not just for the big boys...and girls, in the Fortune 500 offices. How can websites with SEO optimization truly stand out? 

Having your website stand out is huge, but ties into a great looking website. If you drive 90,000 people to your site and have a high bounce rate or aren't converting customers, your SEO isn't the problem, it's the design of your website.

Real quick...pizza or tacos?
Tacos! The more guacamole on a taco the better!

What are the three biggest mistakes companies make when they start off designing the website of their dreams?
1.) Too much information
2.) Making their site too complex. (Simplicity wins over BIG time)
3.) Not doing enough marketing

You are in an elevator with a multimillionaire. He has just told his assistant - also in the elevator, sweating profusely, to FIRE their web design firm because he is sick and tired of pointless meetings and design revisions. He wants his vision done RIGHT! What do you do?

First I ask him how he made his first million and then ask him if he feels like making another. Web Designers and SEO companies are a dime a dozen. What separates dinoenterprise.com is that we are the most hungry designers in the world. We don't stop working, we care so much about our customers. We don't stop until the customer is satisfied. We want our customers to succeed just as much as we want to succeed. Most companies sell a site and then push them aside for more. We at dinoenterprise.com want to grow with your company.

Are you a morning person? Or a night owl? When are you most creative?

Night. Creativity consistently flows through my body. But at night is when I am most productive. As an entrepreneur you can never settle. You have to consistently change and develop a new set of skills.

What are the trends impacting websites most...in today's mobile world?

We as a society want instant gratification. If your companies site isn't mobile friendly and/or you're not on different social media avenues, you are simply failing your customers. The ROI on social media is so large most companies neglect it. You need to think of your business as a triangle. Your website, your services, and your social media's all need to touch!

What colors work best on business websites? What colors do NOT work on business websites. Say, if the business is accounting. Or law. Or a wellness center. How important is color in a website build? 

Subtle and calming colors to give yourself a "home" feel. Color is important but if you don't have a picture that states what you do immediately on the front page, you'll lose your customers. We love adding sliders in our sites because it allows the users to instantly add 1,000 words by using ONE! picture.

Does every business need a website. Really?

Absolutely. Why not? You are only hurting yourself by doing that. The new word of mouth are search engines. 70% of all transactions start with a search engine. That statistic alone should raise an eyebrow and allow you to think twice about not having a website.

What makes a website truly innovative? Name three things!
1.) Mobile Friendly
2.) SEO friendly
3.) customer friendly, meaning you have at least 1 picture on your site interacting with your customers!

Speaking of innovative, one of the most innovative marketing minds of our time was Steve Jobs. How can thinking like Steve Jobs help everyday business owners keep up with emerging trends? 

No one will ever compare to Steve Jobs. He was a creative savant. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel here. In my opinion Apple is not a computer company, they are a marketing company. They market their products so well that it makes consumers beg for them. We should all model our businesses like Apple. They are number 1 for a reason.

Thanks for your time Johnathan! Final thought, what makes a creative person tick?

Motivation. If you aren't motivated. If you aren't determined than you will not succeed. You need to want success more than you want to breathe. You can think you want success, you can imagine success. But being creative is a microcosm that allows someone to tick. If you want to be inspired more often, you can find more on my blog akeyforsuccess.com

Social media is a big part of most branding and PR strategies today. What are the three social media platforms you think are most effective for the SMB market at this time? And what is emerging?
- Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
- Vine. 6 second videos are enough to lure you in and still want more!
- peopledoingwhat.com That is my site I started. Its fun to look at.

1 comment:

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