CC Miles is a recording artist. She is an experienced songwriter. She is a performer. She spends her days shooting music videos and delivering pitch perfect songs in a recording studio that has become, to her, a very comfortable second home. She is also the star of her school play.
At 13, CC is far from your average teen. Incredibly focused on her professional goals, ambitions and passions, she has diligently honed her craft as a recording artist for more than half of her life - so long she cannot remember the very start of her love of singing, creating emotion-packed lyrics and performing before crowds large and small.
Recently, CC spoke with Consumption Conversations as part of our "Artists Spotlight" series. Every bit as engaging and memorable as the songs she creates, this young New Jersey girl shared a glimpse into her joy of singing, courageous and ambitious personal goals to build a life in music - and how inspiration from her friends, family and herself drives her to perform.
When did you know music was going to be an important part of your life?
CC Miles: It feels like it has always been there. So much so, I can't pinpoint an exact moment.
CC, What music do you enjoy listening to most? Who are your favorite artists?
CC Miles: My interests vary widely. I love music as old as Don McLean's "American Pie" , Billy Joel's "piano man", and John Mellencamp's "Jack and Diane, yet I am a huge Taylor Swift fan. I also think one of the best artists today is Ed Sheeran, but let's not forget Pink, I just love her music. There are so many more, it is hard to list.
Where do you find the inspiration to create your lyrics?
CC Miles: I find my inspiration in my friends, family, TV shows and movies, thank God for Netflix, and, I guess ... myself.
If you could meet any recording artist, who would it be - and why?
CC Miles: Taylor Swift, not just because she's big right now, but because she writes all of her own songs and tells stories that touch people.
Is it more exciting to sing at a small venue, or a big venue - or doesn't it matter at all?
CC Miles: I enjoy both, but my favorite place to perform is down the shore for my family and close friends.
What are three ways music has impacted your life?
CC Miles: On the just kidding side, I wasn't good at soccer, so I became a singer. But seriously, there hasn't been a moment I remember it not being part of my life. Music allows me to express myself and it enables me to connect with other people. People always told me to find something you love to do and I am lucky I found it.
CC, many people, regardless of their age, encounter in their lives a defining moment. A moment when they realize something about themselves - their passions, goals and even talents. Did you have one clear and specific defining moment that help set you on your musical journey?
CC Miles: I really enjoyed singing other people's songs, but I think the big defining moment was when I decided to set a goal to write my own music.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
CC Miles: I would like to be an artist that continues to create music that people can relate to and that inspires them.
Who do you want to be when you grow up?
CC Miles: I would like to be a unique artist, to never forget where I come from, and be grateful for everyone who has helped me.
Who are you - right now?
CC Miles: I am a developing artist who has learned that you have to put the time in if you wish to accomplish your goals and dreams. I am busy putting the time in.
CC, what is your favorite place in the world?
CC Miles: My favorite place in the world is down the shore, in the summer with my cousins, eating buffalo chicken dip, and talking about all the things we've done all year since we haven't seen each other since the last summer.
What is your favorite place to express your creativity - where do your lyrics come alive?
CC Miles: In my room, when it's just me...and my guitar.
CC, you have worked so hard to build the foundation for your life in music. What advice can you give to other young people who are on their own journeys toward realizing their dreams?
CC Miles: My advice would be if you really love something, and you want to get good at it, ask for and accept help and put the time in.