Friday, July 26, 2013

Michelle Glover On Chasing Entrepreneurial Spirit, Woman Power, Learning How To Fail & Breaking Barriers

After Michelle Glover earned her PhD in Genetics, she discovered she had more of a passion for business and traded in her lab coat for high heels. While working for a Fortune 500 company, Michelle incubated start-ups as serial entrepreneur, founding and co-founding businesses such as:

DreamLife Properties
The Tea Oil Tree Review
Alpine View Investments
The Chips
Slime Sandwich

Michelle’s highest desire and calling is to help women in business actualize their dreams.  Her blog on business information and tips can be found at Girl EnTREEpreneur. On Twitter, Michelle is @enTREEpreneurz.

Michelle, women entrepreneurs and business owners have it rough. The demands of starting a business, finding the time to give their ideas creative energy and branding and competing in the business world, perhaps for the first time, can be overwhelming. You work with so many diverse women, providing expertise and inspiration.  What is your greatest hope as you speak to women building businesses today?

First, I agree with Arthur Golden who said, “Never give up; for even rivers someday wash dams away.”  Of course you need a good idea and business map, but in building a business, the main ingredient is a conviction of will to never, ever give up.  Second, know that failure is only temporary.  And most of all, know that in the journey, women have something special – they have that bond with other intelligent, capable and caring women who can help them to overcome anything.

What is the "internet business code" and how can women entrepreneurs use it to build their businesses?

At Girl EnTREEpreneur, in building internet businesses, I teach the Girl EnTREEpreneur Ultimate Business Formula. If you follow this formula, treat people with kindness, have a bit of faith and a good coach or mentor, you can create a kick ass business and life you love. Here it is:


Does every boutique, salon, accounting firm, law office, design studio, bakery, consignment shop and business consulting firm really need a Twitter?

I specialize in building online businesses so social marketing is a must.  Besides SEO, it is one of the most cost effective ways of marketing your business.  It can take a lot of time, so entrepreneurs should design an effective social media plan to reach their customers and build excitement for their brand.  As far as local business, it depends on how creatively and effectively you can reach your customer.  Check out Dan Kim @DanKimRedMango on Twitter; he is a genius at using social media to sell yogurt and smoothies.

Michelle...great book or classic movie?

Neither. Give me the Cliff Notes.  I’ve got too much to do. Strike that – I’ll watch Notting Hill anytime it’s on!

Are you a morning person? 

Yep, but I like to sleep in a bit, have breakfast and a good cup of coffee while I talk to my husband, spend time with my kids, and love on my dog, Miloh.

What are the three biggest mistakes women make when they are developing a business plan?

I’m just thrilled if they actually develop a business plan.  Often women seem to think just because they bake a mean cookie, there is a business behind that.  I teach women to make sure there is a hungry pool of fish before they jump into the deep end.  Regarding business plans, I’d have to agree with Anthony Robbins that a business plan is a thing of the past – business, technology and competition is moving so quickly that women need to create a business map if they want to succeed.

What are the three greatest lessons you learned from three of your greatest business mistakes?

I’ve learned that I HATE mistakes!  Ok, now that I feel better, I can admit my most important lessons have been the fruit of my many screw-ups.  I’ve learned that timing is important – launch too soon and a bad product will turn off the customer; launch too late and the competition will already own the market.  I’ve learned the old adage is true – hire slowly and fire quickly.  Last, keep costs low and push to make a profit as quickly as possible, as cash is the life-blood of any startup.

Why is it important to succeed?

You can’t succeed without failure.  Teddy Roosevelt said, “Fail while daring greatly, so that your place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory or defeat.”  The old Rough Rider is right.  Every great adventure or business is built upon the back of more failures than you’ll ever think you’ll have.  But it is all worth it.  Remember take the risk, but make sure you fail forward fast, so you can learn your lesson and live to fight again.

What are you most proud of, professionally? What is your "signature" project or startup that, in many ways, defines your expertise beautifully and makes you most proud?

I’m probably most proud of becoming financially free from some of the early real estate businesses I started.  There is great freedom in knowing that should the sky fall, my family is protected.  Although I am very proud of my new startup, The Tea Tree Oil Review, I am enjoying helping women to have financial success at Girl EnTREEpreneur.

Have you discovered the best ways to balance work and family? If so...share!

Balance?  I admit I haven’t figured that out.  This year, I am really trying hard to put away business so I can spend more time on my health, family and matters of the heart.  I think the biggest thing is to really remember all those things are vitally important and to schedule times to nourish each area of your life – and to actually honor those times!

Are you reading any interesting books at the moment?

Oh, yeah!  I’m really enjoying anything by Seth Godin.  I’m also catching up on some products by Jay Abraham, Brendon Burchard and Jeff Walker.

Please share one of your favorite quotes.

I love two quotes by Maya Angelou:  “Love recognizes no barriers.  It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”  I also like, “There is no greater agony than burying an untold story inside you.”

What do you feel is the secret to entrepreneurial happiness?

Build a business that you really truly love and serves others. I believe entrepreneurs need to connect deeply with the thing that drives them to stay motivated during the difficult times.  For me, it’s the opportunity to give greatly to this world.  Ten percent of the profit from the The Tea Tree Oil Review will go to KIVA and ConcernWorldwideUS.

Girl EnTREEpreneur Helping Women Build a Business One Leaf at a Time!
twitter: @enTREEpreneurz

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Natural Medium & Energy Expert Stephanie Dremow On Spirit Guides, Your Inner Energy & Never Giving Up

Stephanie Dremow
A natural medium with the gift of channeling, South Jersey's Stephanie Dremow brings a warmth and unique sensitivity that inspires and engages, creating a comfortable and positive environment for those seeking new insights to embrace opportunities in energy and spiritual understanding.

Featured in New Jersey's popular Girlfriendz Magazine, Stephanie shares her gift of energy awakening, spiritual healing and the beauty of her psychic connection to the spiritual world. ​As a practicing natural medium, Stephanie has been able to create a bridge between two worlds through her ability to communicate and work with those in Spirit. As a Certified Spiritual Adviser, Stephanie provides psychic readings, energy repair and healing sessions, teaches classes and workshops in spiritual development, mentors others on their spiritual path and assists in guiding earthbound spirits towards their journey into the Light. Stephanie's charm and warmth is expressive and contagious!

Reflecting on her gifts and the gifts she is sharing with so many, Stephanie talks with Consumption Conversations on the gift of channeling, inspiring others and her mission to encourage people to never, never give up!

Stephanie, you are a natural medium with the gift of channeling. You bring a warmth and unique sensitivity that inspires and engages, creating a comfortable and positive environment for those seeking new insights to embrace opportunities in energy and spiritual understanding. Why do you feel it is so important to truly connect with people - to be warm and receptive. How does this approach help you in your work?

Life can be very hectic, stressful and at times painful. When a client takes the time to come for an appointment, I feel it's very important and necessary to create a "safe place" for them. All of us have the ability to feel energy and whether we realize it or not, first impressions do play a part in acceptance.They need to trust me and my work with the spirit world, be open to and accepting of the unknown. I may be asking them to step outside their comfort zone and to open old wounds which can be very painful. I pay attention to details, I listen to what they need to share and I know from experience that this is why they have been guided here. My spirit guides have taught me well and I trust them, if they believe we can assist a client through their journey, then it is my job to prepare a sacred place for them before we begin the work. I know their experience with me (us) is without a doubt going to change their life in a positive way, so the more comfortable they are the easier the transition will be for them.

Stephanie Dremow and her beloved Noel.
You are able to create a bridge between two worlds through your ability to communicate and work with those in Spirit. What do you feel are your greatest gifts, in terms of you ability to help those living in the world today, in body, and those existing in Spirit? And, what do you feel we should all carry in our hearts when we think of those we have loved and lost?

Having the ability to assist someone as they begin a journey of healing is most rewarding. This may be done through a reading, energy work, as a spiritual adviser or teacher, they will choose the modality most needed. Over the years my clients have expressed their gratitude and appreciation for our work together but I don't think they realize just how much it means to me to share in their transformation as well. We are all here to help each other with whatever gifts we've been given, I wouldn't be able to do what I do without each of the people who have also touched my life.

Now looking back at the challenges I've had to endure in life, I realize they were necessary and a gift for many reasons. I've had to face my fears, especially working with spirit, raise my children as a single parent and I've struggled in the same areas as most people. Sometimes I felt very alone and afraid not knowing what to do or where to turn, I've even questioned my own purpose here. The world can be a very scary place, life can be almost unbearable at times and we may loose hope along the way. I understand what my clients may be working through in their life. If I can offer support or encouragement and let them know their not alone then maybe I've given them a reason to not give up. What better gift can you give someone than to remind them to have faith, that they have a life purpose and to know things will get better no matter how difficult it may be.

It's very rewarding to be able to assist in guiding earthbound spirits towards their new journey home. I've never really thought of doing this type of work until about 5 years ago when I received a phone call from someone who explained unusual things going on in his home. That first experience changed everything I had ever believed, heard of, read or saw on TV about earthbound souls. Funny thing when looking back is that I was always meant to do this but needed to overcome some personal fears before I could begin. A recurring dream for 3 years allowed me to move past my fears one step at a time. It was always the same street, same house, the people would change, new rooms appeared and so did more ghosts.

Each time I had the dream I walked further through the house until one night I came face to face with the spirits. Once I did, the fear left, I never had the dream again and a year later my first phone call came for a spirit rescue. That night driving up to the house I had a very long conversation with my guides and made them promise they would be with me at all times. As I walked to the steps I stopped for a minute, looked up at the house and realized this was the house in my dreams, I knew then that I would be OK, that I was ready for this and there was nothing to be afraid of. My experience that night with two spirits taught me a few valuable lessons. One is that no matter what our life was here, we all have a place to go when it's over, home. Another lesson is that fear, whether here or in spirit, is very real and when we trust to open our heart we'll learn that love will always be greater than any fear we have created.

In 2006 I was introduced and partnered with a very special guide. We had worked together for several years before it was time for both of us to move on to new work and our separation began. It was bittersweet, a time filled with many emotions but before he withdrew his energy he provided a very special gift, a journey to the Light. I will carry this experience with me always and one that I must share with others. It is because of this blessing that I am confident that we all return to a place of intense joy and unconditional love. We should always carry our loved ones memory and love for them in our hearts, that creates an energy connection that they feel. They want us to remember them, to hold them in our heart, not in a painful way but in a way of love. We've all experienced the loss of a loved one but know that they are happy, share in family gatherings and that they will be there waiting for us when it is our time to go home.

Off topic, but critically important...what is your favorite kind of cupcake?

Honestly I can't say I have a favorite cupcake. I do love, love, love ice cream and cheesecake though! But give me a piece of blueberry pie and a side of ice cream and I'm in heaven!!

Why do you think true spiritual wellness eludes so many of us today? Is it possible to be a person that is truly centered and at peace with life. Or, is the best approach to be a person who is aware and engaged in life?

One reason may be awareness, another is time. We live in a face-paced society and not much emphases has been placed on holistic care and spiritual well-being but I do see this changing and more accepted in the mainstream. Meditation, Yoga and the like are not taught in school so we don't understand how to stop and breathe, pay attention to our feelings without reacting in a negative way or how to create a sacred place of our own to seek balance. When we understand ourselves as a human and spiritual being, we can then take the necessary steps towards a more meaningful life, one that offers awareness, peace and balance.

We all carry within us a soul, a pure energy form that is focused on a life created for it's specific needs in growth. Yes, it's very important to find the time for holistic and spiritual practices for many reasons, but it's just as important to know that we have come to live as a human being in a human body with all the human necessities. I'm not comfortable with material that requests we remove our self from ego. We all have ego and without it we would stumble through life without any desire to grow, that is a very ungrounded situation. I don't feel anyone should try to remove any part of the whole self, that would leave shattered pieces and lead to more confusion in life. When working on our personal healing, lessons and growth, it's important we love who we are, completely and unconditionally. If there is something we wish to focus and change then we work with the ego and bring about those changes as a whole being. We are here to experience life, fully, with ego and to also incorporate a spiritual awareness, then we will learn balance.

Stephanie, you help people in so many immeasurable ways. What do you feel is your greatest gift - your calling - in terms of utilizing your gifts as a natural medium and energy expert? How do you most want to help people?

I want to make a difference in the world before I leave so I decided to go within and change who I was. I had to trust in my own journey, face my fears in order to learn what I now teach. It's not an easy task but looking back through the transformation I realize that this choice was the most important decision I could have made to fulfill my purpose. It was always up to me but until I took the first step the change could not begin. I want to give hope where there may be none and to remind people that all life has meaning and we do have a specific purpose no matter how it appears to be at times. We are here to assist humanity as the consciousnesses of the planet shifts and we all have a job to do. Everything we need is within us, we just need to have faith, trust and hope.

If you could tell the world one thing, and everyone would listen - and understand - what would that one message be?

No matter how dark it may seem, how fearful it sounds and how confused and lost you may feel, don't give up. We are never alone and must trust in the positive intentions of prayer. There is a Divine Order to life and know that we are only seeing the tree in front of us, not the whole forest. If you are able to help someone, do so, smile, be kind and send good thoughts of love. Love brings in and holds a high positive vibration and that will always override any darkness.

What is the most challenging thing about being Stephanie Dremow?

Trying to keep up with me and all my craziness! I'm always on the go, working, thinking, creating new ideas. Sometimes my mind is way ahead of my physical capability and then I get overwhelmed. I have to remember to slow down and breathe, not everything needs to be today or tomorrow. I need to be reminded that I'm not here to carry the world on my shoulders and fix all of it's problems. I'm here to make a difference by teaching others to see life in a new light and give them tools that help bring change into their lives, that's what changes the world.

What is the most beautiful, glorious thing about being Stephanie Dremow?

I truly love what I do and to have the ability to use my gifts to help others is a blessing ... and being a mom of course!

Does Stephanie Dremow love coffee or tea?

Coffee is my favorite, Hazelnut, two sugars and extra vanilla creamer! But sometimes I do enjoy a nice cup of spicy hot tea in the winter.

Stephanie, in your diverse work as a natural medium and energy expert, what do you find, over and over again, are the reasons most people come to you for spiritual or physical relief, support or wellness? What do most people want when they come to see Stephanie Dremow?

People want to know that someone really does care, they want someone to listen and help them with life. Their pain may not just be physical but emotional as well and they need to know that everything will be OK, that their life has a purpose and meaning.

I never fully know what brings people to me but I know there's a very good reason. Some come with despair, depression, addiction, pain, the list goes on. It's my job to help them sort through it and find what works best for them whether it's a reading, energy work and/or counseling. Others may come because they've had enough of the old way, old self and are ready for a new beginning, a new understanding and awareness. I've heard people say, "I feel stuck!" or "I'm not happy with where I am in life". The moment the energy connection is made they can breathe again, they feel it. There may be tears and that's a good sign, their ready to begin a healing process and they feel safe now to do so.

Stephanie will teach at Burlington County College this Fall.
Burlington County College has invited you to teach a course this Fall. Please share with us the theme of your course and what you hope people get out of it.

The title: A New Spirit ... A New Journey.
It will consist of four, three-hour classes and focus on a specific topic each week. We'll start off with understanding the journey of the spirit while we cover Karma, purpose, the Chakras and the importance of energy and spiritual awareness. The second week we'll discuss emotions and where they fit into our state of being along with the physical effects of positive and negative emotions. The third class we'll learn how to detox the mind and body and the  fourth class will involve coming into our own personal power.

My desire through this course is to teach self awareness and empowerment by understanding the journey of the human spirit.

Many of us are aware of the significant changes taking place within and around us. We may find ourselves questioning our purpose, have experienced a loss, carry heartache or pain and may be more than we can accept. These very emotional conditions have the potential to cause abuse, addiction, stress, depression and illness that not only affects us but those around us. We may be quietly suffering and afraid to seek guidance or work within a field assisting others with their growth through addiction and illness.

In our lifetime each one of us will experience some type of negative condition whether personally or socially. It's important to establish stability both physically and mentally so we are able to live up to our full potential as human beings. It's time we become consciously aware of who we are, why we are here and begin to create a life with purpose.

I understand the importance of this course and it's effect on the community which is why I am very excited! My guides have informed me that it's time, the people are ready and this is one of the reasons I have been asked. Maybe this is an opportunity that has been planned for me all along, I'm not sure but whether it is or not, I definitely feel like a pioneer preparing for a new adventure!

You know, Stephanie, not everyone is aware that you are creative! You craft beautiful soaps, jewelry and you do it in such a way that, well, the soaps look like yummy bakery goodies! The jewelry is beautiful and the crystals used are so unique and personal to all. Do you love tapping into your creative energies?

Being creative allows me to express my feelings by using my hands. Every bar of soap, piece of jewelry or essential oil balm I create gives me freedom to express myself and my love of being spiritual and human at the same time. I love sitting down and creating an idea that pops into my head, could be a soap design or a crystal and gemstone bracelet. My newest creation is essential oil body balms. Lining up all the scented oils, blending, mixing, creating ..  who doesn't enjoy playing the mad scientist from time to time! I'm able to focus specific energy for each balm I
design, the same way I do with the bracelets and soaps. Sometimes I feel guided to create a certain bracelet well past bed time not knowing why I need to finish it and the next day a client comes for a session and purchases it, how awesome is that?! There's no way possible that anyone will convince me my work is not divinely guided, when someone needs it they will receive it. The reward, seeing the excitement and love a
client or customer has for my work, it doesn't get any better then that!

Would you like to share about motherhood, tips for Moms with children of ALL AGES to help them to create goals toward personal wellness. 

There's no manual that is given to parents when their children are born, it's all a surprise and yes you will make mistakes along the way. But know that they are here for a reason, they have a purpose too, just like we do. We may not agree with their ideas but it's important to listen to them because they have things to teach us. We must instill values, integrity and self worth along with discipline while they grow and learn. Be mindful of your words, they will remember them and be sure to express your love, we all need love. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings, find time to slow down, have fun and teach them about the earth, their angels and guides, crystals and meditation. They may seem like they don't want to be bothered but trust me, they will remember and one day will use this knowledge. Pay attention, participate and ask questions. Teach them right from wrong and let them know it's OK to dream and create. As a parent you will look back one day and realize that it's not exactly how you planned it to be but remember, they came here with a plan of their own and it's important to honor their spirit. Forgive yourself and forgive them if need be, life is too short and some things just aren't important enough to come between the love you have for each other.

Your calling to help those in crisis, addiction, struggles of life - how would you like to share your goals in this area.

Recently I find myself working more in the areas of crisis, addiction and self improvement through recovery. If a client seeks my service then I have a responsibility to help them while, what I prefer to call, "growing through addiction". Life is about lessons and how we handle these lessons is essential to our growth as a human and spirit being. I can relate to a parent or loved one who is struggling with the experience of addiction whether it's personal or within the family. I've realized that my gifts and abilities may be needed more here, in these murky waters, this is where I am to be, for now. I want to offer my assistance and I'll share my stories too so they know their not alone. One of the most profound messages I've received from spirit was .. "where there's life there's hope, love with all your heart and never give up".

To learn more about Stephanie Dremow at Cove Haven Entertainment Resorts, click here.

Visit Stephanie Dremow at 

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Global Yoga Master, Gifted Medium Alaine Portner Is Writing A Book, Inspiring Thousands & Sharing Spirituality

Alaine Portner is beautiful. You do not have to see her to know this fact about her. Alaine's beauty shines - pure passion, spirituality, wellness, balance. Alaine is so very, very tranquil, open and centered. How can a successful entrepreneur and business owner, dedicated author and gifted medium - did you know Alaine can connect to the "other side" - be so charmingly warm, relaxed and glowingly energized?

Who is Alaine Portner?

Alaine is the owner of Yoga Center of Medford, NJ, she is a devoted spiritual guide, in the role of medium, to hundreds and hundreds of people throughout the country - and she is a mentor to all she meets. With the launch of her first book on the horizon and a national outreach campaign, Alaine is a woman on a mission - one of peace, love and acceptance all can feel if they allow themselves to UNPLUG!

South Jersey knows you as the owner of the Yoga Center of Medford, one of the leading yoga centers in South Jersey! The Yoga Center of Medford is a supportive community of instructors and students in a nurturing, beautiful environment. Tell us about the center's growth and development over the years - and the mind-body-spirit connection of yoga. 

As an adolescent I was always interested in the meta-physical world, it was an easy escape. Running outside also provided a secondary release form earthly matters. Both were passionate pursuits that combined the trine of a mind, body and spirit. Originally I thought yoga was “too slow” for me to even try.

UNTIL...I realized it was a way to share philosophies along with exercise. After intense studying with my Indian teacher, I understood that our culture could benefit from this ancient tradition of reducing stress and treating your  body like a temple. Yoga provided the answers. They say all of your answers are all self-contained anyway. Getting your leg behind your head isn't nirvana negotiation but inspires flexibility in practicing the pathways to your heart for radical acceptance of the self.

The Yoga Center classes originated in a gym, then karate center, then a second floor loft of a strip mall into its current sanctuary of bliss. The emotional maturity of the teachings and physical pursuits has expanded because of each teacher’s unique perspective. The teachers and volunteer staff have all taken their practices off of the mat and into the public world of compassion. We all practice moving into stillness daily as everyday dramas challenge us. Our Center supports non-profit programs, organizations and local causes. We have graduated over 150 students from our School of Yoga. They’re teaching yoga in grade schools, specialized populations, correctional institutions, corporations and gyms. The Center fosters relationships with self and all others.

Alaine, you are a yoga gypsy with a special talent of mediumship. Using this unique gift you guide your participants through an intimate yet compelling meditation session where you deliver messages from departed loved ones. How did the owner of Yoga Center of Medford become 

Sensitive entrepreneurs can synchronize their creativity alongside community needs.  As a spiritualist in the Mind, Body business, I felt many seekers were looking for ways to change their body, mind and life. YCOM  was named for its location and the acronym, ycom, “why (Y)  (C) see  (OM) peace? Other Schools of Yoga classify their discipline by name, Anusara, Bikram, Jivan-Mukti . Medford’s Yoga is a myriad of influences and always changing just like we are everyday.  Its style goes un-branded so you can choose it personally, on any given day.

Through years of meditation and listening to others even when they might not have been speaking, I've found a way through the channeling’s to assist others in achieving their personal guidance. We have to move beyond what we can only see with our eyes open. We all have an intuitive sense, and I encourage others how to exercise that sensibility also. The channelings grew from the Center as an efficient way to offer spiritual education through a unique method. This time, its identity is my name.

Alaine, the meditation sessions you lead are filled with love, inspiration and often humor, providing participants with validations and confirmations to heal both hearts and minds. What do you feel are the most important elements of being a medium? How do you view your gift?

Important elements of mediumship to me are, practice, permission, prayer, honor and heart-opening.  This doesn’t mean I can't tell you small to large skills of being a medium!  It's not a secret to stay open, cultivate love and have the best intention of serving all living energies. (Including that which you believe to be dead and gone). What’s most important is that we remove our ego to hear the clarity of guidance for our personal journey.  It’s really none of my business to know your intimate details even though the spirits can tell you what you had for breakfast and more.  To serve you, I talk to deceased people for a living. Through the last four years and 4,000 readings of after-death communication, participants have expanded their view of the after-life.  Fortunately, we've discovered a center vortex of benevolence. This communication has radically re-set values for our purposes in this life.  My students begin to learn gradually who spirit is, where they come from, how they want to help and how to better understand how they are speaking to us. People trust the guidance through a medium more than themselves.

Is yoga for...everyone?
Really...can anyone do yoga?

Yoga is the unity consciousness. My experience is that the unconditional love exists within all humans. We may title it a differently by separating language, color or creed. To me it's all the same. We're all desirous of connecting to a source and sensitizing our minds and bodies in that relationship. The breath is the link. So being human, you want to breathe to keep the body experiencing full capacity living whether you are still or in motion.

Yoga is a discipline, a way of life, not always physical, for every body. Stillness is dynamic. It’s movement that’s not conflicted, life in harmony with itself. Whenever there is uninhibited participation you can then live your moments more wholeheartedly.

Invoking the breath (your lifeline) you activate from the inside, awakening to the internal journey. At some level you’re exploring the mind and the body. Nobody else can do this for you. Participating in this connective (tissue) practice, you’ll empower your personal connections to life more profoundly. The opposite is true, when we ignore our body by not moving it, it moves away from center. If we move our minds into fear, distrust we cause stress, which affects the body anyway. So why not infuse the mind, with breath, bliss and move the body accordingly to the level that is available? You can do yoga in a chair, airplane or anywhere, no matter the age, ability or where you live.

If you could do yoga for one hour, or have Nordstrom's all to yourself for one hour and be able to take home as much as you could carry, which would you rather do? Be honest Alaine!

Yoga for one hour, please. The stillness of meditation creates timelessness and you can serve many others in that singular decision. That’s a greater value of time that you couldn’t find within several Nordstrom’s racks.....even if I found the perfect black dress in my bundle of goods.

However, I love this question because...

I love Nordstrom’s, you're channeling me now!

I admit to “visiting” my favorite shoes in their department. There's a particular air quality in that store that I like to flirt with and then be patient to purchase whatever I am seeking., when it’s the right time.

What is the difference between relaxing...and meditation?

Relaxing is releasing body and mind at some layer and meditation is meaningful emotional releasing, honoring your intention of prayer, and devotion of surrendering your mind body & spirit into the universe. When u release more layers of energy or body density you can connect to higher levels of consciousness. Similar to sleeping, you release the body and all of us have had some type of dream awareness that moves your mind enough to give u a dimensional shift of your presence. A fulfilling night of sleep creates balance, right?

Sharing is part of my intention of teaching and learning how to serve one another. In order to teach I am a perpetual student of consciousness. This deeply rooted intention,( for I was born this way), continually unveils our human desire to align with unconditional love.

I've discovered this from animal lovers and those in the heavenly realm.  I reach my antenna to the guidance that is most purposeful for each person.   Your message may be the appearance of your loved in a way that you can recognize them. This is your spirit guide now. There may be many. Sometimes the message is more important than identifying the messenger. Don’t change the channel until the epiphany appears!

What is a spirit guide? Do we all have them? 

A spirit guide is a contemporary term for a spiritual source/companion/god. Guidance emanates from natural sources, trees, crystals, people,animals,and spirits. Activating trust, can nurture the relationship. The source to whom you pray or talk to can remain consistent your whole life or it can change according to life’s circumstances. Today's culture has been more willing to accept our spirit guides as our departed loved ones. Grandparents, Mothers, Father’s, Sisters and Brothers in spirit form indicate that love never dies and our deceased relatives can still be active parts in our lives. When we learn how to connect intuitively, our lives can fall into a pattern of ease and flow, release grief and add more purpose to our lives. Our soulful bonds transcend this earthly living beyond the veils of heaven.

If you could be best known for the Yoga Center of Medford or for your gifts in communicating with the spirit world, which would make your heart sing most? Clearly, each are important and they are deeply intertwined and both are a reflection of you. Does one role matter more than another for you, at this time?

Great symbolism. My hearts often singing when sharing. It's all the same. The role of channeling is substantiated by opening up someone's heart, whether it’s one person in the room or hundreds.  The Center is a vortex, where community seeks connection through movement.  I am blessed to witness, teach, study and participate any time, any day.  It's a constant embodiment of grace that has been changing lives for over 15 years. Heaven on earth appearances are not just housed at the Center. It’s been a rewarding experience to share the teachings in many alternative locations, whenever requested.  The shadows of doubt can become illuminated wherever you’re located.

If you could be a puppy, rolling around in beautiful lush grass and being loved and cared for by devoted children and a loving family for one afternoon, what kind of puppy would you be?

An unidentifiable mixed breed (a mutt) puppy please.. I wouldn't want to be labeled a particular breed. There’s too much responsibility with titles and this doesn't account for changing times. So if I could encompass all breeds in one that is an ambition worth achieving. I’m crazy about dogs but careful to know that my human needs can't be more important than their dog days.

What books are your reading right now?

My own, due out by Winter 2013.

Please share one of your favorite quotes.

It’s a poem embedded in my trunk! (Do you want the whole poem?) 

The poet, David Wagoner illustrates the Northwest Native American tradition of letting children run freely in the forests …to learn , to grow. Elders anticipate the fear that may arise in the child’s pursuit of discovering personal bravery with NATURE.

The child asks: “What do I do when I am lost in the forest?

The elder responds:

Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you
are not lost. Wherever you are is called “Here”.
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger.
Must ask permission to know it and be known
The forest breathes. Listen. It answers.
I have made this place around you,
If you leave it you may come back again, saying “Here”.

No two trees are the same to Raven.
No two branches are the same to Wren.
If what a tree or bush does is lost on you,
You are surely lost. Stand still. The forest knows
where you are. You must let if find You.

Lost, David Wagoner

Monday, July 8, 2013

One Very Energized Events & Branding Diva, CJ DiRoma Talks Event Energy, Staying Up All Night, Social Media, Ninja Branding & Hustling While You Wait...Always!

CJ DiRoma & The "Station Avenue Girlz"
CJ DiRoma is a legend. One very savvy ninja diva with a passion for event production, marketing, branding, creative "anything" and a talent for entertainment! CJ DiRoma is Station Avenue Productions, a leading event production firm headquartered in South Jersey and serving all size venues throughout the United States.

CJ has worked with legends - Barry Manilow, Kenny Rogers, Charlie Daniels and scores and scores of epic greats in the world of music and entertainment. Has she worked with any great comedians? Has CJ ever worked with any great bands? Ever heard of Boyz II Men? Ever heard of Jim Belushi, Lewis Black, Howie Mandel or "Mike & Molly" star Billy Gardell? CJ is not only gifted at envisioning, organizing and producing events of all sizes - from concerts to non-profit galas - she is also "connected" to all the right entertainers to ensure every event gets the right entertainment.

Jim Belushi & The Chicago Board of Comedy
As if that were not enough to impress, CJ is also a branding and marketing expert, who, during 2011, founded The asterism* Group, a boutique marketing and creative services firm that includes the talents of Station Avenue Productions. In addition to the proven event production services of Station Avenue, The asterism* Group delivers services with Station's two sister divisions, Consumption Marketing and Little Flower Creative. Does CJ have too much energy for ONE petite, power player. Probably, but CJ wouldn't have it any other way.

CJ, you have such a diverse and robust background - and all creative! You are the visionary behind concerts and large venue community events. You have delivered beautiful and successful non-profit events. You are a branding maven. You are a strategic marketing executive. You mentor rising stars in marketing, branding and event campaigns. You have worked with legends in the entertainment world. You even can your own tomatoes! Where do we start? How about this: What do you LOVE to do the most, when it comes to your professional life?  

My favorite part is seeing the joy on guests faces. Creating a memorable moment whether it be a client seeing their vision come to life with a cool brand or guests at a party or event getting lost in the talent.

As Founder and CEO of The asterism* Group, you are the visionary not only fueling the successful entertainment and event production company, Station Avenue Productions, but also the creative eye behind Consumption Marketing and Little Flower Creative. Consumption Marketing relies on your success as a marketing executive and branding expert. Little Flower Creative turns to you for everything from unique product launches to literary guidance and even interior design expertise. When do you sleep?

HA! Sunday night between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m. if I am lucky!  Just kidding!  I have great energy and time management skills.  I am guilty of working too much.  I also have great support team.

CJ, real a book or watch a movie?  

Movie for the time saver but also I am visual person.

Who is your favorite Hollywood great?

I love old Hollywood.  If I had to pick...Jack Lemmon.

What is your favorite band?
The last band I worked with...I fall in love with the magic each group creates.

Who is the celebrity that you met that actually made you nervous?    

No one yet!

When you work with large firms and non-profit agencies, not to mention leading entertainment venues and conferences, what are the key goals when it comes to getting an event off the ground - the right way?

Communication and planning.  I'm a stickler for detail and back up plans!

What event are you most proud of, in terms of being its event production cornerstone?
TOUGHIE! I have had some great challenges.  If I had to choose it would be the Chef Brian Duffy "bar rescue" event at Cove Haven Entertainment Resorts in the Poconos.  We served a full dinner to 500 plus guests as they watched the food prep from stage in an old theater with cocktail tables. A full dinner table setup was executed on those tiny tables! An outdoor kitchen tented with the culinary staff working on the celebrity chef's menu and fantastic wait staff that delivered the plates all at once to keep the show moving - all tremendous details and lots of energy, time and preparation.  Food as entertainment was the theme!  Marvelous job by all!  Plus, the food was all locally sourced and or specifically created for the event.  People involved in the behind the scenes aspects of the event and its layers of planning STILL talk about the nightmare logistics and how it was FLAWLESSLY executed. We even brought in a local, world renowned distiller to provide the matching spirits.

You lend your creativity to so many businesses throughout the Delaware Valley and beyond. Is there one commonality among businesses today, in terms of mistakes they are making in their branding. You will have to put your Consumption Marketing hat on to answer this one! 

Not engaging in social media or my biggest pet peeve an inconsistent parallel language used in advertising or marketing materials.  Define , design, be social and be consistent.

Think fast...if you were a tree, what color leaves would you have blowing in the summer breeze?

Willow branches remind me of southern summers with my grandmother.

Why do you feel it is important for women to help other women in business today?

We have to pay forward. Women face too many of the burdens in our society and often feel they have the drive or idea but not the connection to go up against the norm.  If you made it, and you know who you are, help another woman no matter what level you have achieved.  There is someone who wants to be you!

Tell us why social media is important for businesses that want to truly brand their expertise and services?  

So many choices now to reach your potential customer or client base.  There is great debate on the ROI of engaging.  However if you don't brand online ... your competition is!

You will be teaching a course at Burlington County College in the Fall all about branding. What do you hope your students come away with, in terms of the MOST important thing they need to keep in mind when branding a business?
Define your product or service! Define how you want your customers to view you and create that environment.

Turning the spotlight on Station Avenue Productions, Station Avenue has produced everything from live concerts - 70,000 at FEDEX field - to business conference events, non-profit galas (Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation), academic celebrations and major events (Burlington County College, University of Pennsylvania) and countless venues, venues, venues from Los Angeles to Atlantic City! 

Station Avenue Productions is a leading entertainment industry event production firm, producing memorable entertainment experiences that achieve success in all key areas of event production - entertainment coordination, creative branding and marketing, fulfillment of event goals and objectives, audience enjoyment, as well as public and media relations outreach and support.

Station Avenue brings exceptional event entertainment management and industry leading event production services to The asterism* Group. And yes, currently, Station Avenue Productions is the event production and event coordination firm of choice of Cove Haven Entertainment Resorts in the beautiful Pocono Mountains Region of Pennsylvania. Station Avenue Productions has also coordinated events for non-profit organizations, including The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation and many more. Station Avenue Productions routinely coordinates and produces signature events of all sizes - and anywhere in the country! We are the good guys in black staging and coordinating major corporate, community and entertainment venue events - we thrive in the spotlight."

CJ, please share with us one of your favorite quotes.

Success comes to those who hustle...while they wait.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Special thanks to CJ DiRoma for her time in sharing insights with Consumption Marketing. It should be noted that CJ answered the questions from her hotel room during a brief break between shows she is producing for a top venue! Of course! Thanks CJ!

Learn more about CJ DiRoma and Station Avenue Productions, as well as its sister divisions, Consumption Marketing and Little Flower Creative by visiting blogs, social media and more at The asterism* Group!